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Healthy Slow Cooker Banana Bread - Gluten-Free!

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  • Author: Stacey Clare
  • Total Time: 0 hours


Grab your slow cooker and make healthy banana bread in it! True! You can!

I often bake in my slow cooker. I've got a Slow Cooker Nutella Brownie, Berry Dumplings and even crunchy Slow Cooker Muesli! 

But for now, grab those sad looking bananas and make a banana bread from them!


6 eggs
160g melted butter
150ml rice or maple syrup
4 medium bananas
80g tapioca flour
80g brown rice flour
60g coconut flour
2 tspns baking powder
2 tspns cinnamon
1/2 cup ground nuts or seeds (I did sunflower, chia and sesame seeds so I could send it to school)
Handful of crushed chocolate


STEP 1. Blend the melted butter with the eggs and bananas until combined and starting to get airy. That's about 7 seconds in my thermomix.
STEP 2. Now pop everything else in and give it a good stir until it's just combined. You don't want to over-mix the coconut flour as it can thicken the mixture and dry it out.
STEP 3. Line your slow cooker with parchment paper and pour the mixture in. Then sprinkle the topping over and give it a really light press down.
STEP 4: Cover the top of the slow cooker with a tea towel and pop the lid on. Leave it to cook for 3.5 hours on low, with the last half an hour popping the lid (and tea towel) off. That will help it get a gorgeous brown colour on top. 


Dairy-free: Sub the butter for macadamia or avocado oil
Egg-free: I would skip this version.

  • Prep Time: 10
  • Cook Time: 3.5 hours