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Homemade Almond Milk

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  • Author: Stacey Clare
  • Total Time: 5 hours 5 minutes


Buying almond milk can be expensive and what's worse, you don't get the benefit of having leftover almond pulp to make other tasty treats at the end. Make your own at home with my quick, easy to follow recipe.


  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 2½ cups filtered water (plus extra for soaking)
  • Pinch salt


  1. Rinse almonds and place them in a large non-plastic bowl, adding just enough water to cover them. Sprinkle with the pinch of salt and cover. Allow to soak for at least 5 hours but ideally, overnight.
  2. When the almonds are ready to go, they will have swollen in size and perhaps even started to sprout. Wash them well and add them to your blender with 2½ cups filtered water. Blend really well.
  3. Over a bowl, pour almond milk through a milk bag or even a baby's muslin wrap. You may have to squish the pulp to ensure all milk is squeezed out. To store, pour into a bottle and refrigerate to use within a few days.
  4. Perfect with my homemade muesli.


  • Almonds are fantastic for your heart, help to alkalise the body and support brain function. You may even find your kids likes the taste too. Mine sure does.
  • Prep Time: 300
  • Cook Time: 5


  • Serving Size: 6
  • Calories: 137
  • Sugar: 1
  • Sodium: 25
  • Fat: 12
  • Saturated Fat: 1
  • Unsaturated Fat: 10
  • Trans Fat: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 5
  • Protein: 5
  • Cholesterol: 0