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Easy Asian Salmon Bake

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  • Author: Stacey Clare
  • Total Time: 30 minutes


This Easy Asian Salmon Bake has got to be my kids' favourite one-pan meal. They LOVE the miso sauce and always happily gobble up the veggies that are on the same tray, because they have the same taste. I often make this up and freeze it uncooked when I see salmon on sale. Oh, it's just as great with a white fish too. I often by leather jacket (cheap and local) and make it the same way. Snapper or barramundi would be great too, the skin would crisp up nicely.


  • 600g (6 small) salmon fillets
  • 1 broccoli head
  • 2 carrots
  • ⅓ cup tamari or soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp miso paste
  • 1 tbsp rice malt syrup
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp grated ginger
  • 1 small cauliflower head
  • 1 small red onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 handful sugar snap peas, sliced
  • 2 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 1/4 bunch coriander leaves
  • Olive oil
  • S & P


  1. Get going on marinating the veggies & salmon for the tray bake as soon as you can – ideally overnight or the morning before serving. Just mix the sauce ingredients together and pop the veggies & salmon in. You may want to cube a few pieces of the salmon if you think the kids would enjoy it smaller with crispy edges.
  2. When you’re ready to cook, pop it all on a lined tray in the oven on 180°C for 20 minutes. I often move the sauce off the salmon skin and drizzle some olive oil over the top and cook it with skin facing up. That way it crisps up.
  3. Now blend your cauliflower rice in the food processor with the red onion & garlic clove. Then fry off the mixture in some olive oil for a few minutes. I sometimes add a 1/4 cup of water if it's too dry. When it's softening, add in the rest of the ingredients and give it a taste.
  4. I often add S & P and some chilli flakes to my serve.


  • If you're worried about cauliflower rice and your little one go ahead and scrap the cauliflower rice and just cook normal rice. But here's the clincher, still add the veggies into the rice though, see how that goes.
  • Prep Time: 10
  • Cook Time: 20


  • Serving Size: 6
  • Calories: 0
  • Sugar: 0
  • Sodium: 0
  • Fat: 0
  • Saturated Fat: 0
  • Unsaturated Fat: 0
  • Trans Fat: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 0
  • Protein: 0
  • Cholesterol: 0