In June I shared the 7 things I was loving and that were really helping my life flow a little easier. The response was great so here goes, my list of loves for August. I really hope that it inspires you to try some of them out too. Oh, and as always, these aren't sponsored, they're just things I love:
- Salt Sauna –
Sounds weird, right? I have two health coaching clients that have chronic sinus issues. Pain, inflammation and constant colds. We’re (and their naturopaths too) are on a path to change their diets but we thought we’d add in another great kick, a salt sauna. I popped along to keep one of them company in a session and now I'm going two to three times a week with both my little babes. Let me explain. This isn’t a ‘sauna’ so there’s no heat and I believe it is perfectly safe for myself and my family. The floor is covered in 30cm of rock salt so we take a long a toy digger and dump truck and the 45 minute session just disappears. It’s great. It’s really helped my clients, my husband’s eczema and both babes managed to kick a the common cold in just 2 to 3 days. It’s worth googling your closest one and checking if it's right for you. I visit this one in the Inner West of Sydney.
- Nutritional Yeast -
Weird name, totally delicious. Nutritional yeast is the vegans / lactose intolerant peoples, answer to cheese, only it's man made and has a stack of vitamins fortified (added) in. I LOVE it on scrambled eggs, as do the babes and hubby likes it on top of his pasta as he's taking an extended 'break' from dairy. (Insert, he doesn't know it's extended and no, he doesn't read my blog - hahaha) You'll find these delicious yellow flakes in the health food isle of your supermarket. It's rad!
- Glass Jars -
It finally clicked for me this month, why the heck am I recycling all these glass jars and eating out of plastic? The day that clicked the pantry got cleaned out and now we have a bunch of glass jars taking their place. It's beautifully in-perfect. Now I just need to figure out how to label them...any tips?
- Kmart hacks on Instagram –
I told you this list was miss-matched right? Well, I’m not really a ‘high-street’ shopper. My Dad owned a small business my whole childhood so I understand the reality of people only shopping from the big boys. But I must admit, I am really enjoying Instagram and checking out all the interior hacks of cheap finds at Kmart. I follow kmartaus_inspire and kmart_bargains. Is there any others you know about? Maybe for a different store? This is my latest tweak to our home, my new bedside table. I bought a gorgeous fiddle leaf fig plant and big basket from Kmart. So cute, not at all practical but SO CUTE!
- Fish tank that grows food –
I recently went to the Ted Talk in Sydney. It was an amazing day and one I’ll cherish forever. I was lucky enough to sit next to Emir, the owner of Fluid Growers. We bonded over our love for the amazing speaker on stage, Charlie Teo, and started chatting about how we both fill our days. Emir imports the most amazing fish tanks (aqua farms) from America that grow plants on top with thanks to the fish. Then those plants clean the water for the fish in return. Cool, huh? Well, we got one for the babe’s room and every morning we wake up to, “Elllllllo fishy… fishy ellllllo…. Mumma, Dada, can I feed fishhhhy?” Check them out here. They’re awesome.
- Gelatine –
In my lunchbox eBook I have a great recipe for homemade jelly lollies. They’re a cinch to make and are full of high quality gelatine. Lately I’ve taken a step up in the gelatine stakes and added a tablespoon to my 3 ingredient banana pancakes (recipe in the eBook I send you on when you subscribe to my email list.) Gelatine is amazing for healing the gut, keeping our joints in great health and hydrating the skin. I buy this brand and try to have a tablespoon a day, be it in a pancake, a smoothie or added to my soup at lunchtime.
- Slow cooker –
I’m on the hunt for a great slow cooker as mine is starting to die. I use it EVERYDAY. Yep, it’s my $100 answer to a Thermomix. I make porridge in it, broth and dinner most nights. My current Breville model is 10 years old and has lost two buttons but I’m reluctant to let it go. Have you recently bought a slow cooker? Do you like it? What brand is it? Tell me more. I’m so keen to know.
Do share, what things are rocking your world this August?
Stace x
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